The best answer to the question, and fill in the blanks here would be: In this ad, liquid refreshment represents a NEED, and Gatorade represents a WANT, or a DESIRE.
Step-by-step explanation:
Advertisement is the means by which companies convince consumers that using their products is what is best for them. As such, they will display the reasons as to why their products would be better than any other through different techniques, and most commonly through visual aids. In the case of the kids playing soccer, they all have the same need, which is to quench their thirst after playing the sport. However, this need could very well have been met by water alone, or soda might have been a valid choice for those who did not wish to have water. However, when the kids go directly, and even fight, over the Gatorade, they are not only showing viewers that Gatorade is the BEST choice for them, but they also show that Gatorade generates a sense of WANT or DESIRE in them, which can only be met if they consume Gatorade.