1. (D) Early majority and late majority.
2. (C) Unfreezing, changing, re-freezing.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. When adapting to new change, most people fall into these two categories: early majority and late majority. When adopting new products half of the people act as an early majority. These people think carefully before choosing the product. They do it earlier than others but not as early as innovators. The late majority chooses the product when it has been tested by the majority. They are skeptic about the change and are late to adopt it.
2. A summary of Kurt Lewin’s model of change is unfreezing, changing, re-freezing. This model considers change as a process. In this process, it is necessary to feel the need for a change. Then the change has to be made. Once the change has been made, the last stage is re-freezing that is, making the new behavior a habit.