Blood is grouped via two classification methods according to the antigens displayed by the red blood cell's surface. The two blood types are ABO blood type and Rh factor blood type.
ABO blood type is decided on the basis of absence or presence of A and B antigen. Rh factor blood type is decided on the basis of Rhesus factor. It's a protein displayed on red blood cell surface. People having Rhesus factor have positive blood type and people who don't have it have negative blood type.
O- blood type means that the person does not have either A or B antigen on red blood cell surface. It also does not have Rhesus factor. Such a blood group has the most stringent requirement.
An individual with O- blood type can receive blood only from O- type. If they receive blood from a positive blood group, Rh antibodies against Rh antigen will destroy the blood cells because they have a foreign antigen. If they receive blood from A, B or AB blood group; antibodies against these groups will destroy the RBCs . So O- people can only receive blood which is devoid of these types of antigen, be it Rhesus factor or A and B antigens.