a. increased food supply
c. improved public health
d. increased birth rates
Step-by-step explanation:
Throughout the history of mankind various changes have taken place in the number of inhabitants on earth. Thus, it is possible to perceive periods in which the number of inhabitants was modest and others, such as the present, with numbers considered quite high. Population growth means a change in the number of a population in a positive way.
On August 5, 2008, the United Nations (UN) released a report that estimates the number of inhabitants on a planetary scale for the year 2050, which could reach 9.2 billion people.
The report raised possible causes for this growth, increased life expectancy, increased access to disease treatment, and increased food supply; All of this would result in a greater birth rate.
According to the survey, population growth should occur significantly only in developing countries, in the case of developed countries the changes will be modest.