25% more
Movie B has 30 fps. Movie A has 24 fps. For the record, fps is "frames per second".
The total number of frames will be given by this:
number of fps TIMES length of the movie in second
A = 24 * 100 * 60
B = 30 * 100 * 60
One minute is made of 60 seconds.
A = 144000
B = 180000
To find the percentage in relation to the movie A:
P = (B - A)/A
P = 36000 / 144000 = 0,25
That is 25%
Now, as you can see, we can actually get the same result avoiding a lot of maths.
We don't really need the length of the two movies. We just need to know the difference in fps and do the maths with very small numbers.
A = 24 fps
B = 30 fps
P = (B - A)/A
P = 6 / 24 = 0,25
That is 25%, just like before.