I was so nervous that I was not able to comprehend where I was going. I just ran into a random room and by the time I realised where i had come into, it was too late. She was lying on the bed with only get bra and shorts on. My cheeks started to burn red, with such a beautiful sight I began smiling. She caught me looking and sat up grinning and brought me closer to her. She was wearing perfume, the strong smell made my eyes water. Then before I knew anything she pulled me in on top of her, hugging my waist, staring deeply deeply into my eyes.
"You knew this was my room didn't you?" she spoke softly through a grin. I didn't know how to answer so I kept quite. Then, she came even closer to my face and I felt her lips touching mine. I was too shocked and i began to blush harded. Her moist lips sucking mine in and her warm tongue coming in exploring every crevise.
Hope you like it.