In a password, symbol/characters can be repeated. first calculate the total
symbols which can be used in a password.
So there are total 26(A-Z),26(a-z),10(0-9) and 2(_,$) symbols.
that is equal to 26+26+10+2=64.
Total number of password of length 4 from the given characters is:
here each place of password can filled in total number of symbols i.e 64 way .
Then total number of possible password is:
Total number of password of length 5 from the given characters is:
here each place of password can filled in total number of symbols i.e 64 way .
Then total number of possible password is:
Similarly we can find,
Total number of password of length 6 from the given characters is:
Total number of password of length 7 from the given characters is:
Total number of password of length 8 from the given characters is:
total number of password possible is:285,942,833,217,536