The water-soluble vitamins comprises all the 8 B vitamins and vitamin C. When one consumes these vitamins, they get dissolved in water and then get mediated to various parts of the body via bloodstream. The body utilizes the vitamins it requires, and then the extra vitamin if got consumed is eliminated from the body via urine.
As the water-soluble vitamins are excreted time to time, one requires to meet the needs for water-soluble vitamins each day. The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, E, D and K. When one consumes fat-soluble vitamins, they get dissolved in fat prior to getting mediated via the bloodstream.
The body utilizes the required fat-soluble vitamins and then accumulates any extra vitamins in the liver. However, if one consumes huge concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins spontaneously, then one may develop a condition known as vitamin toxicity or hypervitaminosis. The condition can be chronic or acute.