First, you multiply both fractions for both denominators to be the same so we can add them together. If you don't know how, this is how you do it:
You first find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of both fractions' denominators. This is how you find the LCM:
-1/5's denominator is 5, so think of all the multiples of 5. Do the same for the fraction 3/4's denominator, which is 4.
5•1=5, 5•2=10, 5•3=15, 5•4=20, 5•5=25
4•1=4, 4•2=8, 4•3=12, 4•4=16, 4•5-20
We can see that when we multiply both 4 and 5 by 5 and 4, we get 20, so we multiply all the numbers of the fraction by 5 and 4. This is how you do it:
-1•4=-4 5•4=20. The first fraction is -4/20.
3•5=15 4*5=20. The second fraction is 15/20.
Now we can add only the numerator for both fractions.
-4/20+15/20 ; -4+15=11
So now we can see that -1/5+3/4 is 11/20.