5 votes
Click on an incorrect pronoun and type the correct pronoun in the text box. Check your spelling and then click Submit. Note: The system will score your response as Correct the pronoun errors in this passage incorrect" it you have any spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or spacing errors (e.g. do not add unnecessary spaces). Ever since him or I can remember, Richard has wanted a 1973 Chevrolet Camaro. It's lightwoight, high-powered, 307-cubic inch engine puts out more than enough horsepower. He pictures himself driving around town with Cherise, his girlfriend, and I. Finally, last summer Rich found a 1973 model and cheap, too. Those car has taken over his life Sometimes I stop by his house, and him and Cherise are oiling this or tightening that Cherise telis Rich and I that she loves the Camaro as much as him. It's not a wimpy little car like her's. A Camaro growls and sits low to the ground. It's partial front bumper looks like a set of mean chrome teeth. Or, at least, one day when hese Camaro is running and painted, it will growl again.

1 Answer

5 votes

Answer and explanation:

I was able to identify the following incorrect pronouns. As I point them out and correct them, I'll explain why they were incorrectly applied.

  1. Ever since him or I can remember, Richard has wanted a 1973 Chevrolet Camaro. Correction: Ever since he or I can remember... ---> The pronoun needed here should function as the subject of sentence. Who can remember? He or I. "Him" is an object pronoun and cannot function as a subject.
  2. He pictures himself driving around town with Cherise, his girlfriend, and I. Correction: ... with Cherise, his girlfriend and me. ---> The pronoun needed here should function as the object of the preposition "with". With whom does he picture himself? With her and me. "I" is a subject pronoun and cannot function as an object.
  3. Those car has taken over his life. Correction: That car has taken... ---> The demonstrative pronoun has to agree with the noun it modifies. "Car" is singular, "those" is a plural pronoun. It should be substituted by that".
  4. Sometimes I stop by his house, and him and Cherise are oiling this or tightening that Cherise tells Rich and I that she loves the Camaro as much as him. Correction: ... and he and Cherise are oiling... Cherise tells Rich and me... ---> "He" instead of "him" because we need a subject pronoun. Who is oiling? He and she are. "Me" instead of "I" because we need an object for the verb tell. Whom does she tell? She tells him and me.
  5. It's not a wimpy little car like her's. Correction: It's not a wimpy little car like hers. ---> "Hers" is a possessive pronoun. It doesn't take an apostrophe.
  6. Or, at least, one day when these Camaro is running and painted, it will growl again. Correction: ... when this Camaro is running and painted... --> The demonstrative pronoun has to agree with the noun it modifies. "Camaro" is singular, "these" is a plural pronoun. It should be substituted by this".
User Gopaul
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