Classical is a term used to describe an era of ancient history ranging from the 8th century BC to the 6th century AD.
Step-by-step explanation:
Classical is a term used to describe an age of ancient history ranging from the 8th century BC to the 6th century AD. Even though This age was centered on the developments of the cultures near the Mediterranean Sea, we can't say India did not experience similar develoment. The name classical is coined to this era because the foundation of many of the fields of moderm civilization is supported by the cultural and academical progress on that time. Greece and Rome were the main representative of classical age in Euopre, but India did not fall behind. Indians produced rich literature related to religious topics, additioanlly they were excellent mathematicians whose findings are still relevant today. And what about the religions that appered in ancient India? India is the bed cradle of religions as Budhaism, Hinduism and Jainism which have had influence on the development of other Asian civilizations like the Chinese, the Korean and even the Japanese. Budhaism and Hindusim are still in force today.
We can't deny the influence of aincient India as it featured characteristics of a classcial civilization.