The best answer to the question: Which is the best response if the client asks the nurse how far the fetus has advanced in the past half hour, would be: "Once the current labor signs you are showing change, we can ascertain where exactly your baby is, and we can tell you more."
Step-by-step explanation:
A nurseĀ“s ability to empathize with a woman who has had multiple pregnancies already, but whose latest one is not going as it should be, is crucial here, especially to maintain the mother as relaxed as can be. This is a woman who has had multiple pregnancies, possible birthings and who is experiencing distress because despite the number of hours in labor, she is still not at the point where her baby can be born. There is still steps for dilation to go. Giving the woman comfort, letting her know that the professional is aware of everything and is on top of things, without giving unnecessary information to the mother, is vital so that the rest of the way is smooth and labor is not stagnated due to maternal stress. With this statement by the nurse, the mother knows that there is no real problem with her baby, things are going fine, and more information can be given once her current conditions allow it.