Answer: The correct answer is “E”. Hearing may not contribute much to a bee's reproductive success.
Step-by-step explanation:
A biologist would say that the "E" statement is correct. Those capacities that contribute more to reproductive success and survival are natural selected. Bees are pollinators that can fly long distances looking for flowers. They can see ultraviolet colors. An improved vision can help bees to find flowers while they are flying, and chemicals detection is important to communicate between them (as they are social insects) and to find flowers too.
The characteristics of bees that we can presently see, are those that were selected trough time, generation after generation and allow bees to survive until today.
About the other statements: Statement “B” is incorrect. Altruism is a behavior where an individual is exposed to some risk in benefit of the other individuals of the group. For example, when a parrot makes noises to alert the rest of the flock that there is a predator. This parrot will be more exposed than the others, but at the same time is saving their group. This behavior has nothing to do with bee’s hearing.
“C” statement is false too because small insects can have functional ears. Many insects that are also small (like crickets) have a good hearing capacity. "A" and "D" are similar. In the hypothetical situation in which bees with better hearing have greater possibilities of surviving and reproducing, probably their brain would process the information correctly.