My cell phone is the most important phone I posses. When I touch the back of my cell phone it feels soft and plush-able as if I were holding a man’s hand. The front of my cell is a grand beauty; the light is always on and I can see my wallpaper; there is the face of my love who I met in June. In the afternoon I clean my cellphone and lightly dab a cotton ball with male perfume on the sides and it’s smell arouse my senses with joy. The alarm and the ringtone is the same; a man speaks and says “I love you” and such speech leaves me breathless and in awe. It is the sound of my love who speaks tenderly even though he is far away from me and sometimes when I miss him I go to my photos and I can see my beloved smiling. I miss him very dearly and I kiss my screen’s phone only to taste the bitterness of his absence and the coldness of his goodbye.