SMOKE SIGNALS WORK. Chapters 4 and 5
1. Who were the authors of the Celestina?
2. What works influenced the creation of La Celestina?
3. Investigate, what is the atheistic materialism of Lucretius exposed in his work De rerum natura? Explain it by looking for information on the Internet.
4. Why do you think that the discovery of Lucrecio's work could have influenced the new conception of the world and the publication of La Celestina?
5. Summarize the biographical elements of Fernando de Rojas that are exposed in Smoke signals.
6. What are the main characters in La Celestina?
7. Why does Rafael Reig compare the characters in the play with atoms?
8. What is Rojas trying to do when he writes La Celestina taking into account Lucrecio's theories?
9. Who is Martina now and who is the protagonist-narrator?
10. What does La Celestina do?
11. As a witch. Look at the spell he performs on the demon, what would you highlight in it? Where is the demon bound?
12. What has changed in the fifteenth century in relation to the world between servants and lords? Explain this content, taking into account the footnote of Karl Marx and Engels in Smoke signals. Write this note and explain it with your words giving examples.
13. What is Celestina's philosophy?
14. After reading the work of La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas. Answer the following questions having read Smoke signals. Compare the characters and find out who is who?
- Who would Alonso be?
- Who would be Alonso's mother?
- Who would be Martina?
- Who would be Carlos de Andrade?
- Who would Andrea be?
- Who would Pedro be?
- Who would be Blanca?
15. What is the world for Rojas?
16. According to Rojas in Smoke signals, what would be the purpose of La Celestina?