The number 4320 is an abundant number.
Multiples of 6 is a perfect number.
Given : Number 4320
To find : Is 4320 is perfect, abundant, or deficient?
Solution :
1) A perfect number is one whose factors are equal to a given number i.e. P(n)=n
2) An abundant number is a composite number whose factors, without the number itself, have a sum greater than the number i.e. P(n) >n
3) A deficient number is a composite number in which the sum of its factors is less than the given number i.e. P(n) < n
Number - 4320
Factors are
If we disregard 4320 as a factor,
Then the sum is
Now, 10800 >4320
Therefore, The number 4320 is an abundant number.
If we take positive multiples of 6,
Factors of 6, 1,2,3 and 6
The sum of factors except 6,
Which means Multiples of 6 is a perfect number.