a) yes
b) no
is a gruop if satisfies the following conditions:
1. If a and b are two elements in
, then the product a*b is also in
2. The defined multiplication is associative, i.e., for all a,b,c in
, (a*b)*c=a*(b*c).
3. There is an identity element e such that e*a=a*e=a for every element a in
4. There must be an inverse of each element. Therefore, for each element a of
, the set contains an element b=a^(-1) such that a*a^(-1)=a^(-1)*a=e.
Let's see if the conditions are satisfied:
1. if x and y are integers then x+y-1=a*y is an integer
2. If x,y and z are integers then
(x*y)*z= (x+y-1)*z= (x+y-1) + z - 1= x +y+z-2,
x*(y*z)= x*(y+z-1)= x + (y+z-1) -1 = x+ y + z -2
Then (x*y)*z=x*(y*z), i.e, * is associative.
3. Let e=1 and b an integer. Observe that
1*b=1+b-1=b and b*1= b + 1 -1= b.
Then e is an identity element.
4. a and integer and b= 2- a. Observe that
b*a= 2-a+a-1= 1 and a*b= a+2-a-1=1,
the b= a^(-1) is the inverse of a.
We conclude that
is a group.
1. If x,y and z are integers then
(x*y)*z= (x-y+xy)*z= (x-y+xy) - z + (x-y+xy)z= x -y-z+xy+xz-yz+xyz
x*(y*z)= x*(y-z+yz)= x - (y-z+yz) +x(y-z+yz) = x-y +z + xy -xz -yz+xyz
Then (x*y)*z≠x*(y*z), i.e, * isn't associative.
We conclude that
isn't a group.