- It's not possible to earn an A in the course
- I must have a 73 or MORE to earn a B in the course
The average obtained at the end of the course will be:

Where x is the grade obtained in the final examination and av is the final average. To obtain an A, av has to be at least 90, av≥90, and to obtain an B, av has to be at least 80, av≥80
- Is an A in the course possible?
So, if we get 100 on the final average:
x = 100,
av = (85+78+84+100)/4 = 86,75 and 86,75∠90.
Answer: No, the higher grade obtained would be 86,75.
- What grade you must have in the final to earn a B in the course
To earn a B, av≥80:

Answer: I must have a 73 or MORE to earn a B in the course