Answer and Explanation:
It is necessary to teach the child and his/her family that the organ transplant that the doctors could perform in him/hier is a blessing and that due to moral issues, they have an obligation with the donor to thank them for the second opportunity they are receiving.
After the transplant, the child will have to take medications that are call immunosuppressants and are necessary to prevent the child's body from rejecting the transplant, so it is very important that you never stop taking them.
It is very important to lead a healthy life style especially in food
For any fever the months after the transplant it is necessary to visit a doctor
Post-transplant control appointments are very important, it is necessary to go to all
The chlid can go to visit a psychologist
Encourage the child to go to support groups with people of the same condition
Also, its necessary to vaccinate the child and his/her family to prevent illness