5g of norgestel are used in making 10,000 tablets.
0.5g of ethinyl estradiol are used in making 10,000 tablets.
This problem can be solved as a rule of three problem.
In a rule of three problem, the first step is identifying the measures and how they are related, if their relationship is direct of inverse.
When the relationship between the measures is direct, as the value of one measure increases, the value of the other measure is going to increase too.
When the relationship between the measures is inverse, as the value of one measure increases, the value of the other measure will decrease.
Unit conversion problems, like this one, is an example of a direct relationship between measures.
First step: Grams of norgestrel
Each tablet contais 0.5mg of norgestrel. How many miligrams are in 10,000 tablets?
1 tablet - 0.5 mg
10,000 tablets - x mg
x = 10,000*0.5
x = 5,000 mg
Now we have to convert 5,000 mg to g. Each g has 1,000 mg. So:
1g - 1,000 mg
xg - 5,000 mg
1,000x = 5,000

x = 5g,
5g of norgestel are used in making 10,000 tablets.
Final step: Grams of ethinyl estradiol
50ug = 0.05 mg.
1 tablet - 0.05mg
10,000 tablets - xg
x = 10,000*0.05
x = 500 g
Now we have to convert 500 mg to g. Each g has 1,000 mg. So:
1g - 1,000 mg
xg - 500 mg
1,000x = 500

x = 0.5g,
0.5g of ethinyl estradiol are used in making 10,000 tablets.