(a) 0.09 (b) 0.322 (c) 0.0966
Let's define first the following events
M: an applicant is a male
F: an applicant is a female
A: an applicant is accepted
E: an applicant is enrolled
S: the sample space
Now, we have a total of 7500 applicants, and from these applicants 4200 were male and 3300 were female. So,
P(M) = 0.56 and P(F) = 0.44, besides
P(A | M) = 0.3, P(E | A∩M) = 0.3, P(A | F) = 0.35, P(E| A∩F) = 0.3
(a) 0.09 = (0.3)(0.3) = P(A|M)P(E|A∩M)=P(E∩A∩M)/P(M)=P(E∩A | M)
(b) P(A) = P(A∩S) = P(A∩(M∪F))=P(A∩M)+P(A∩F)=P(A|M)P(M)+P(A|F)P(F)=(0.3)(0.56)+(0.35)(0.44)=0.322
(c) P(A∩E)=P(A∩E∩S)=P(A∩E∩(M∪F))=P(A∩E∩M)+P(A∩E∩F)=0.0504+P(E|A∩F)P(A|F)P(F)=0.0504+(0.3)(0.35)(0.44)=0.0966