P215/60R16 meaning
215 is width in millimeters
60 is the ratio of the height of the tire’s cross-section to its width
16 is wheel diameter
So rim height is
60*215/100 = 129 mm = 5 inches
Then, total diameter of tyre is
16'' + 5'' = 21''
that means radius is 21''/2 = 10.5''
The new tyre P235/70R16 have a height of
70*235/100 = 164.5 mm = 6.5''
and its total diameter is
16'' + 6.5'' = 22.5''
that means radius is 22.5''/2 = 11.25''
We know that linear velocity (v) is the radius (r) times the angular velocity (
). For the first case
And for the second one
Angular velocity doesn't change from the first case to the second case, i. e.,
. Combining the equations and replacing with values give