We can see this exercise as any integer can be expressed as
, explained this way:
n=1+1+1+...+1 (n times. )
But there is a problem, this only makes so any number is a sum of ones, we want all combinations of sums. We have another resource to look into, the number of "+" signs. For each + we have an option to associate the surrounding numbers. For example, 4:
This one, associating by the +'s can be:
4=(1+1)+1+1 4=(1+1+1)+1 4=1+(1+1)+1 etc.
If we add up the sums in between the parenthesis, we have:
4=2+1+1 4=3+1 4=1+2+1
Some expressions of 4 as a sum of positive integers.
Now if we look at this from the number of + signs, then there are n−1 plus signs between the number of 1s, or
ways of choosing where to split the sum, or
possible sums.