Bradstreet's poem "To My Dear Loving Husband", has a soft and loving tone; while Wheatley's poem "To The King's Most Excellent Majesty" has an energetic and excited tone.
Step-by-step explanation:
Upon one’s first reading of Anne Bradstreet’s “To My Dear Loving Husband,” one may see it as a generic, garden-variety love poem. Indeed, it contains many elements of the traditional love poem, but through structure and language, Bradstreet brings to her description of her feelings for her husband a strong message of constancy and unity that one does not usually find so emphasized in romantic poetry.
Bradstreet’s poem is unremarkable in rhyme and rhythm. It presents a very natural rhythm and a classically 'poetic' sound. Also, as one might expect, she uses dramatic images to depict her views of both her love and her husband’s love for her, such as “whole mines of gold” to represent how much she values her husband’s love.