B. A few hours after i.e the peak timings.
Step-by-step explanation:
- As can be seen from the large bodies of water which store large amounts of heat than the land surfaces, thus have a very high heating capacity.
- The changes in the sunlight intensity vary with various latitudes determines the patterns of the energy distribution over the earth landscape.
- It's experienced that the places near the equator get warmer as compared to that of the tropics and polar s regions and similarly there exits a day and night variation.
- In the day time, the average annual temperature reaches its maximum in the noontime from 2 to 5 pm i.e around 3 pm so it's clearly, understood that the earth absorbs this radiated heat energy in the form of short waves from the sun i.e just after some hour of incoming maximum solar energy.
- This diurnal temperature variation occurs, particularly in the higher latitudes.