Answer:Running from battle indicates
Fleeing from responsibility
Receiving a wound indicates
Accepting a false sign of courage
The youth
Henry Fleming,
The youth
Always glorified war
The youth
Wounded by retreating soldier
The youth
Develops courage
Jim Conklin
The tall soldier
Jim Conklin
Also known as the special soldier
Jim Conklin
Dies on the side of the road
Jim Conklin
Wounded in the side
Jim Conklin
Could be seen as a Christ figure
Jim Conklin
Example of courage and sacrifice
The loud soldier
At first very out spoken
Gives Henry the yellow envelope for his family
Develops a quiet courage, shares Henry's triumph
Henry's mother
Opposed Henry's enlistment, deflates Henry's dreams of war, tells him to do what is right, and to keep his clothes clean
The colonel
Liked his cigars, indifferent, called the men "mule drivers" praises Henry's bravery
The lieutenant
Tries to get retreating men to stand and fight, SOUNDS LIKE A WET PARROT
The kind soldier
Helped Henry back to his regiment, Henry never knew his name, seems strong and cheerful
The general
Ordered Henry's regiment to charge, knowing they all might die
Dark haired girl
Possible love interest, sad when Henry leaves for war
The tattered soldier
Severely wounded, had a large family, is with Henry when Jim Conklin dies, asks Henry where is wound is, has eyes like a lamb
Red badge of courage
A wound for henry
Indifferent to the men, seems to be sympathetic to Henry
Jim Conklin
Who is first told the regiment they would be marching?
Stupid, heroes, liars, not afraid of anything
Henry sees the others as what?
Henry ran during the first battle
Shows that his running away was the right thing to do
Why does Henry throw a pine come at the squirrel?
A dead man
In the chapel, like boughs of the tree, Henry sees what?
To escape guilt
Why is Henry at the chapel?
Jim Conklin
Who is the spectral soldier?
Being run over by artillery wagons
After he is wounded what is jim Conklin afraid of?
A retreating soldier hits him in the head when Henry asks questions
How does Henry get wounded?
Leave me be
What does a dying jim Conklin keep saying?
When Henry returns to the regiment, he tells the truth about his wound
Understanding, gentle, kind, modest
How does Wilson change after their second battle
Mule drivers
What does the colonel call Henry's regiment
He remembered how he had treated the tattered soldier
Why is Henry ashamed after the last battle
Learns from them
What does Henry do about his shameful memories?
Jim Conklin
Wounded in the side
Tattered soldier
Wounded in the head and arm
Wounded in the head
Wounded in the hand and arm
Bravery and death
What does Henry learn in the dead mans eyes?
Step-by-step explanation: