First convert 1 1/5 to an improper fraction (6/5)
Then you are going to need to look for a least common denominator between 6/5 and 4/9
The least common multiple between 5 and 9 is 45
Now you need to get the denominator of each fraction to 45 so that you can add them
To get 6/5 to have a denominator of 45, you will need to multiply the denominator (5) by 9. REMEMBER- whatever you do to the bottom you must also do to the top
If you multiply the 5 by 9, you must also multiply the 6 at the top by 9
So now you have 54/45 for the second fraction
To get the first fraction with a denominator of 45 you must multiply everything by 5 (20/45)
Now you can simply add straight across (54+20=74)
Remember to keep the denominator the same and you should end up with 74/45 (This cannot be simplified)