Leftmost 3: Hundred
3 to its right: Ten
Difference between both the values is 300.
You have to check the placement of the 3 digits.
Starting from left to right, unit placements are:
Hundred Ten Unit/one
3 3 0
Leftmost 3: Hundred
Middle 3: Ten
Left 0 : Unit/one
So the leftmost 3 depicts the hundred value. It can be written as 3xx where x can be any digit from 0 to 9.
Similarly, the right 3 depicts the ten value. It can be written as 3x where x can be any digit from 0 to 9.
So if we compare both the values, the leftmost 3 represents 330 overall number while right 3 includes only the zero on its right side (that makes is 30). Therefore the difference is 330 - 30 = 300.