Step-by-step explanation:
Freud was a psychologist who worked on personality and psychoanalytical perspectives. He purposed a defense mechanism. Freud was a psychologist who worked in personality, psychodynamic personality, dreams, and part of the personality. He worked on unconscious, subconscious and preconscious part of the personality. Many neo-Freudian followed Freud's principal but were not agree on sex. Freud focuses on sexual instincts f a person that built the personality of a person. But neo Freudian, they focus on a social and environmental factor which was the main factor contributing to the development of a child. Development of fixation in personality a vital role in the personality of a person. How much they fixate in the development period, they develop their personality. Parents play a role in the fixation of a child as in toilet training child fixated and develop a personality problem in adulthood.