The steps necessary for this proposal to become a permanent amendment to the Constitution are: Two-thirds of the houses of Congress vote and send a proposed amendment to the states for ratification, At least 38 states must ratify the amendment approved by this convention.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are two ways to propose a permanent amendment to the Constitution.
First way:
1- 34 states require the Congress to call "a convention for proposing amendments.
2- On this convention, each State sends a delegate who can propose amendments.
3- At least 38 states must ratify the amendment approved by this convention.
Second Way:
1- At least Two-thirds of the houses of Congress send a proposed amendment to the states for ratification after they pass this same proposal for a constitutional amendment.
2- At least 38 states must ratify the amendment approved by this convention.
That's why your answer is the second way.