The boy is presenting a (D) DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS
Step-by-step explanation:
Diabetes appears when our pancreas (an important organ in metabolism) can´t produce enough insulin or that the pancreas isn’t working normal maybe for destruction of it mediated by antibodies, which could have sense in this case of a young boy of 18 years old who according to the case, probably has a diabetes type 1. We can say that for those levels of glucose (360) and the presence of ketones and urine ketones that his body is suffering a decompensation called diabetic ketoacidosis. It is a dysregulation of metabolism in which the patient presents high levels of glucose in circulation but how there’s no necessary insulin to enter glucose to the cells, the body starts to produce ketones as other molecules to obtain the energy for daily activities. A ketoacidosis explains the disbalance and diminution of ph, and his other symptoms.A diabetic ketoacidosis is a medical emergency and needs to be carefully attended. In this case, the ketoacidosis was the first sign of diabetic tipe 1 disease.