Answer: Today, the Advocate brings you another priceless story of governmental absurdity from Troy.
"Priceless" in the figurative sense, that is. For Eugene Booth, a 74-year-old widower, this problem most definitely has a price.
At the moment, it stands at $530 -- which would be a hefty hit, even though it is less than half the original $1,309 sought earlier this month.
Booth's frustrating story began early this month when he opened his quarterly water bill and was astounded to see the $1,309 charge.
He didn't immediately recall the usual amount on the water bills he has received during the two decades-plus he has lived in his Manor Boulevard home, but he knew it was far less than that. At his request, the city Water Department reviewed records for his address over the last three years and determined that he paid four bills of $49.58 each last year.
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