The correct answer that fills the gap is: team skill.
Step-by-step explanation:
Working as a team is a relational skill that forms tandem with others such as the ability to communicate, empathize or influence and network of contacts. It is one of the soft skills par excellence, these are the skills related to the personality of a candidate that can be very valuable for the position.
The ability to work in a team is framed within the organizational capacity of a company and its success in meeting objectives. It is quantifiable and can be taught and empowered. In addition, it assumes that there is a strategy that directs the team's action. Each member would be committed to a party that, when put in common with the rest, operates the strategy that has been defined beforehand.
Formerly this ability was known as companionship. Of course, today we are still talking about fellowship, but it has a different connotation. It will not be until the 19th century, with the development of industrial activity, when the specific term of teamwork begins to be used in the Anglo-Saxon world.