1. televisión.
2. divertidas /animadas.
3. espctadores.
4. árbitro.
5. campeonato.
6. equipo.
7. ganar.
8. aburrirte.
9. celebrar.
10. disfruten.
Step-by-step explanation:
Sentence number 1 is correct, you selected "televisión" as a complement of the verb "mirar" which means "watch". Sentence 2 is incorrect because you selected the word "divertidos" with the suffix -os instead of -as (divertidas). You are asked to complete this part with a female adjective. Then, in sentence number 3 you have to select a plural noun. So it is wrong because you have selected a verb "escuchar". Then, sentence number 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 are perfect. Then sentence number 7 requires a verb like "win", in Spanish "ganar". Finally, sentence number 10 requires also a verb like "enjoy" in Spanish "disfrutar".