43, 9, 50, 13, 27.
43680, 98750, 13092, 76561, 58712
The first two digit number of the random digits is 43 that represents the first number.
The next two digit number of the random digits is 68, which is greater than 60 and does not correspond to a number of the lottery.
The next two digit number of the random digits is 09, that represents the second number.
The next two digit number is 87, which is also greater than 60, so we will not choose it.
The next two digit number is 50, that shows the third number.
The next two digit number is 13, that shows the forth number.
The next two digit number is 09, but it is already used above.
The next two digit number is 27, that gives the fifth number.
Therefore, the lucky numbers you will choose and play are:
43, 9, 50, 13, 27.