The solution to written mathematical problems is:
- Veintidós.
- Nueve.
- Cero.
- Once.
- Veinte.
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the answers is:
- Twenty two.
- Nine.
- Zero.
- Eleven.
- Twenty.
The solution of the mathematical exercises written in Spanish only requires recognizing some things:
- The word "más" means plus.
- The word "menos" means minus.
And since the maximum number shown is 22, I will proceed to remember you the numbers up to 30 in Spanish:
- Uno.
- Dos.
- Tres.
- Cuatro.
- Cinco.
- Seis.
- Siete.
- Ocho.
- Nueve.
- Diez.
- Once.
- Doce.
- Trece.
- Catorce.
- Quince.
- Dieciséis.
- Diecisiete.
- Dieciocho.
- Diecinueve.
- Veinte.
- Veintiuno.
- Veintidós.
- Veintitrés.
- Veinticuatro.
- Veinticinco.
- Veintiséis.
- Veintisiete.
- Veintiocho,
- Veintinueve.
- Treinta.
And finally, the number zero is "cero".