Bertrand Russell and Rembrandt are the proper nouns.
Step-by-step explanation:
A noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, or idea. Also, there are 2 main types of nouns: proper and common nouns.
Common nouns are words that name general items (book, cat, table, etc.).
Proper nouns are words that represent the name of a single object (Maria, San Francisco, Mr. Smith, etc).
Proper nouns include first names, surnames of people, animal names, names of cities, countries, streets, rivers, seas, and oceans. Proper nouns are always written with a capital letter.
To sum up, a common noun is a general way of classifying something, and a proper noun is a specific way of classifying something. For example, the word cat is a common noun, but if your cat was called Minny, the word Minny is a proper noun.