Formulation ideas of Christian philosophy.
Step-by-step explanation:
Following the period of the patristic school, the philosophy practiced within Christianity began to be taught in schools from the ninth century. The period known as scholasticism lasted until the late Middle Ages and has its name derived from the Latin word "scholasticus", meaning "one who belongs to a school". The basis proposed by patristics was used, but with greater dedication to speculative activity, leaving aside theology in part and devoting itself to the formulation of Christian philosophy. The most prominent philosopher of this period, who promoted the real transition from Platonism to a more sophisticated form of philosophy, is Thomas Aquinas. Also noteworthy in this period were Occam, Scoto and Erígena.
In scholastic philosophy there is the lack of distinction between natural and supernatural, the strong prevalence of faith over reason, as well as a still unclear separation between philosophy and theology, although the latter has already begun to distinguish itself as an independent discipline in the period patristic.