The planting of plants is an excellent method when it comes to purification of water. This method is natural, it will help the water to get back in its initial condition, but it will also be good for the environment. The plants use water in order to survive. Depending on the type of plant, they can get the water through the roots, leaves, or thorns. In whichever way they acquire the water, the plants will get it in their system, even if the water is not of good quality and is polluted. The plants have mechanisms through which they will separate the pollutants from the water as they don't need them for their processes. They return the water back into the other spheres purified, while they store the pollutants or decompose them. This method of purifying the water will also open up new jobs, as lot of people will be needed for planting the plants, but also for taking care of them while they are properly grown, and once they are grown to protect them from illegal activities.