First question : A. 85,
Second question : 71%
First question :
Percentage marks in home work,
90, 94, 96, 90,
So, the average percentage marks in home work =
= 92.5
∵ Weightage in home work = 20%,
So, the weightage marks in home work = 20% of 92.5 = 0.20(92.5) = 18.5
Similarly, the class participation is weighted 25%,
So, the weightage marks in class participation

= 24.25
The test grade weighting 30%,
So, the weightage marks in class participation

= 24.675
The final exam weightage is 25%,
So, the weightage marks in final exam,

= 17.75
Hence, the total average = 18.5 + 24.25 + 24.675 + 17.75 ≈ 85
Second question :
Averages of Mark in his AMDM maths class,
Homework : 95,
Quiz average : 80,
Test average : 67,
Final average : 60,
Also, the weightage,
In home work is 10%,
In Quiz test is 20%
In test is 50%
In final exam is 20%
Hence, Marks class average =

= 71 %