"I'll have to wear an external collection pouch for the rest of my life."
Step-by-step explanation:
Total cystectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove bladder tumors. This surgical procedure is a major surgery where the entire bladder and lymph glands, along with other organs are removed. Generally, patients undergoing this type of procedure need to do another procedure called urinary diversion, where urine is diverted through the bowel and stored in a collection bag fitted on the skin of the abdomen. This bag is called an external collection bag.
The medical staff that will perform these procedures need to explain to the patient what options they will have to address the lack of bladder in their body. Because the patient's bladder has been removed, the patient will have to wear an external collection bag for life or rebuild a new bladder with a portion of the intestine. It is important for the patient to be informed about all this, and to be informed about the advantages and disadvantages of each option.