Answer 71: True
Answer 72: False
Answer 73: True
Answer 74: No, because you need information from more than one seismograph to plot the epicenter
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer 71:
When a plate is subducting under another it forms a trench in the limit between the plates, because the one that is subducting takes the extern part of the other toward the Earth's interior.
Answer 72:
A sedimentary breccia has angular clastic particles and is bad sorted, that means that the grains have different sizes . It's related to low transport and high energy environments and it's not related with water, because water use to form rounded clasts.
Answer 73:
A tsunami is like a big wave in the sea that's prapagated from the original point to the shoreline. Here is important to remember that the amount of water is not changing, so, to generate a big wave is necessary to take the disponible water and for that reason, when the wave is growing seaward, the water in the shoreline retraets rapidly to form the big wave that then will be coming to the coast.
Answer 74:
The process to determine the epicenter of a seism is called triangulation, and it needs 3 different seismographs to work. It consists in drawing a circle whose center is the seismograph localization and the radius is the approximate distance of the earthquake recorded by the instrument. After having drawed the three circles, we will have a common zone between them with a triangle form and that's the localization of the epicenter.