Execution Time, Memory storage,Readiability,
debugging,Platform independent
Step-by-step explanation:
High level programming languages are the language which is user friendly languages. There is high level abstraction from internal machine code. Here we need compiler to translate that into machine code
Ex: C,c++,Java...
Interpreted languages are scripting languages where we need interpreter to interpret those scripts or commands
Machine languages are binary language which contains 0's and 1's can understandable by system only. Not human readable forma
Interpreted language scans each statement at a time and interprets that line by line. It takes less amount of time to analyze the source code but the overall execution time is slower.
High level language takes more memory than interpreted and machine as it generates some intermediate code
High level languages are more readable than remaining two
Intermediate languages are easy to debug as it executes line by line and when ever any error occurs in a particular line it stops and intimate there itself
High level and interpreted languages are platform dependent, it can work on some machine and OS specific configurations only