Taking information from other sites that complete the understanding of this particular question, and learning that it is about the Comanche and Kiowa tribes that lived in the Texas territory before it was claimed by the U.S, the correct answer choice for this question would be, D: They weakened Mexico´s hold on Texas and other territories.
Step-by-step explanation:
The history of how Texas finally became a U.S territory begins around 1821, with the development of several events that led to the Comanche-Mexico Wars, and they also included Comanche allies, the Kiowa and Kiowa-Apache tribes. Initially, these tribes lived in harmony with the Mexican ranchers on this region, and they had trade deals. However, when Mexico became independent from Spain, they lost the capacity to continue providing the Comanche and Kiowas with protection and commerce. That, coupled with the increased migration of Americans towards Santa Fe, and the Comanche territories, the Comanche began to seek ways to increase their wellbeing. Also, the forceful removal of the Five Nations towards the west, placed the Comanche at a difficult crossroads and in conflict with other tribes. In the end, between 1840 and the 1850´s, the Commanche and Kiowas had raided most of the ranches in the territory and practically destroyed the region. The acquirement, therefore, by the U.S of Texas, during the Mexican-American War was almost effortless as the region had already been devastated by the Comanches and Mexico had become incapable of responding to the threath and holding their land.