Answer and Explanation:
Calibration can be defined as a process where the accuracy of an instrument is measured and are compared with the known and set standards for calibration.
The instrument errors can be defined any deflection from the true value in the measurement or we can say that any difference between measured value and actual or true value results in instrument errors.
The instrument errors are further classified into 4 types:
a). Random errors :
These error arise as the result of random, unpredictable or irregular changes in an experimental set up.
b). Systematic errors :
These errors arises as a result of fault in the instrument or as a result of the effects of some external factors.
c). Gross errors:
These errors are a result of human errors in measurement while recording the reading, etc
d). Zero errors:
This error arises when the reading of the instrument is false while the measured value is equal to zero.
This is when the needle of an ammeter or voltmeter is not at zero but somewhere above or below it when the supply is not given.