Following are the code in c language
#include <stdio.h> // header file
long int factorial(int n); // declaration of factorial function
int main() // main function
int n; // variable declaration
printf("Enter a positive integer: ");
scanf("%d", &n); // input number
while(n<0) // checking the condition if number is negative
printf("please enter a positive number:");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Factorial of %d = %ld", n, factorial(n)); // calling factorial function
return 0;
long int factorial(int n1) // recursive definition of factorial
if (n1 >= 1)
return n1*factorial(n1-1);
return 1;
Step-by-step explanation:
In this program, it ask for a positive number input. if the value enter by user is negative then it again ask for positive input i.e positive number. Then it calls the recursive function of factorial. the recursive function factorial calculate the factorial recursively. suppose user input 4 then it goes to the if part of program i.e return n*factorial(n-1); that means return 4*factorial(3) again recursive function call itself .this process repeated until it meets the base condition. when a base condition meets, it return factorial of the given number.
Enter a positive integer: 5
factorial of 5=120
Enter a positive integer: -8
please enter a positive number:4
factorial of 4=24