Earth's Characteristics
Step-by-step explanation:
Earth is the third planet in the solar system that contains life known to man. Earth's surface is divided into the Atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. The landmasses consist of semi and terrestrial beings and are made up of plates i.e SI.AL upper and lower consisting of lighter elements and below oceanic plates consisting of heavier elements Fe, Sl, Mg. The water sphere consists of various marine, fresh, aquatic species. Earth's air layer is divided into 7 zones ranging from the lower troposphere to the outer Magnetosphere. Like other celestial bodies, the earth has an artificial satellite the moon.
Earth is composed of 78.08% Nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 1% water vapor and other trace gases and greenhouse gases like methane, neon, and helium in small amounts. In the geologic history of the earth, there have been various stages of mountain building and various glacial stages. Precambrian epoch marks the beginning of the earth's formative stage from 4.6 billion years ago. To date according to the latest data about 40 billion earth-like planets have found in the solar system. Many planets like that of the earth have a low carbon atmosphere and some like Neptune and Saturn have frozen ice and presence of water bodies which may have been either active or recently extinct in recent past.
Venus is considered as the sister planet of earth or twin planet, its slowest spinning planet in the solar system and spins in a clockwise direction as opposed to earth. There are some similarities between earth in terms of geologic formation like the presence of large iron core and silicate mantel. Though there are no plate movements in venus still it has folds, faults, and volcanoes.
Mars, on the other hand, has a sandy texture like landscape, volcanic craters have been found on the surface of mars just like on the earth surface. Large basins that may have been filled with water earlier and ice caps.