1. The majority of the cities and towns are located along rivers. This has been the case since the humans started settling up until modern times. There are several reasons why the people have chosen to build the cities and towns along the rivers. Some of them are that there is always freshwater available. The water can also be used for irrigation if needed, or if the river is larger it can be used for traveling and transportation. Apart from enabling the basic living conditions, the rivers also help in the economic development of the cities and towns.
2. Yes, the city/town I live in is located on a stream and also next to a bigger river. The city/town I live in is built on former large river bed and river terraces, when in the past there was a large river, but only a small stream remained as a remnant of it, with the city/town on both sides of it. On the other hand, next to my city/town there is larger river, which until relatively recently was navigable. The city/town was built on this location because it benefited a lot from the water. From the smaller stream it had freshwater for usage, while from the larger river it was well connected with numerous other settlements and the sea, so it was used for transportation, trade, and travel. The larger river also was good natural defense from invaders.
3. It is not still 100% sure when my town/city was founded, but the archaeological findings and some ancient maps and scripts suggest that it was formed somewhere during the mid eight century BC. The initial name of my town/city has been Antigonea and has had that name until a massive earthquake destroyed it totally. The people immediately rebuild it, and gave it the name Negotino, which is just the syllables of Antigonea reversed as a synonym for the earthquake destruction and turning everything upside down. The tow/city still bears the same name.
4. If the town/city was built today I would recommend the same location. Even though the stream and the river are significantly smaller than in the past, they are still very useful, especially for irrigation. The area has good, fertile soil for agriculture. The town/city will be located in the central part of the country, being well connected as it connects the northern and southern, and the eastern and western part of the country. The biggest motorway in the country will pass right next to it, as well as the main railroad.