Step-by-step explanation:
Descartes explained the formation of the rainbow and years later Newton studied the light and managed to break it down into the colors of its spectrum through a prism year 1666.
Newton knew very little about the nature of light, did not know that it was a wave and even less that it was an electromagnetic wave. He believed that it was formed by corpuscles, but he managed to break it down into its spectral colors. Today we know that light is both particle and wave.
Humans (and some animals) appreciate a wide range of colors that are usually due to the mixture of radiation (lights) of different wavelengths. The color of light with a single wavelength or a narrow band of them is known as pure color.
When the light passes through a glass prism, the different wavelengths that make up the light beam travel inside it at different speeds and curl differently when entering and leaving (double refraction when changing media) giving as result a beam diverted from the initial direction and with its separate components. Thus arises the solar spectrum.
Each of the different rays of light crosses the glass with different velocity and the average speed of light within the prism is less than in a vacuum. Light is a wave with an oscillating electric field that interferes with the charged particles in matter.
The visible radiations are between the following wavelengths: from 350 nm (nanometers) for violet to 750 nm for red.