Baton Twirling:
Domain = Time (s)
Range = Height (ft)
Music Club:
Domain: # of Songs
Range: total cost ($)
Baton Twirling:
I often, personally, find it easier to think of these questions coming from a function-graph standpoint, where you have x (domain) and y (range). Logical thinking immediately tells you the time would fall on the x-axis, aka the independent variable. Setting logic aside, look at the question from a literal factual perspective. Jill chucks her drum wand up in the air, much like an angry base-ball player would a bat, and she's already determined her routine will take place in a TWO SECOND time frame before the wand comes BACK DOWN and clobbers Jill on the head (unless she catches it, ofc). However it may just be lights out for Jill, because the DEPENDENT variable is the height. If Jill chucks it too high, she's gonna be standing waiting for it to come down. If she's short, she's going to get KO'd by an in-animate object mid-twirl.
The baton NEEDS to be in the air for a total of 2 seconds, thus making the height dependent upon the time, much like Jill is dependent upon the laws of physics and good timing to prevent getting cold-clocked.
Music Club:
Jermaine might be a music addict, but his wallet is going to run out at some limit, and that credit-card bill isn't looking too good. The store's gonna keep feeding Jermaine those albums until Jermaine's insatiable appetitie for lip-syncing is satisfied. Jermaine can keep buying music, and the number of $$$ is going to keep racking up. The money he does (or more accurately, doesn't [because we both know he gonna take the CD's and dip]) fork up depends upon how much music this boy wants.
The money is dependent. The # of songs is independent.
Hope this helps ;)